How To Handle A Project Gone Wrong- What to do when a Pro doesn't perform.

Baltimore, MD: At EFynch , we are doing out best to give all homeowners and homebuyers the tools to properly locate, and research the contractors they want to hire*. Too many other sources online only give you the "advertised choice", and asking for a recommendation on neighborhood websites does not guarantee you are getting non-biased results (a growing problem). However, even with the toughest verification procedures, you can find online, there is still the chance that a hired Pro or Handyman may not meet your expectations. Problems happen, humans are humans, and sometimes things just don't "click". So, here is our advice when something goes wrong: Step 1: Document and mention the issue to the contractor/ handyman as soon as possible. In addition to carpentry skills, a home improvement project is equal parts logistics and identifying any issue that must be remedied as early as possible will help. ----- SIDE NOTE ----- *If handled properly, clearl...