The Mid-Atlantic Nor'Easter, and why the time AFTER can be so dangerous

February 21, 2019 Regular Homeowner Advice for those in the Mid-Atlantic by: Winter Weather Reports often give homeowners a few days for preparation. Prep for what? We never know what were getting Washington, D.C. Congratulations! You survived another Nor'Easter. If you've spent any time living in the Mid-Atlantic you are familiar with this term and what comes with it. For outsiders (especially those from areas like Buffalo, NY)- a Nor'Easter is just another time to let us know how much snow you had growing up and to question why cities from D.C. to Philly shut down for a "measly 6'"! However, if you are from the Mid-Atlantic area (like us here at EFynch ), you know it is so much more. Icy roads in the D.C. area can often happen in an instant bringing communities to gridlock. It's wintry mix! It's snow, it's rain, it's ice- the weather people don't know what is coming. In fact, as I stood outside in yest...