Now it's cold- BUT, what does your home think?

Now it's cold!- What is your home thinking? Quick, no cost ways to winterize your home. By: Well hello! Just like a thrown cup of cold water in the shower, the cold wind jolted me awake this morning while walking my dog at 5:30am. Winter has descended on Maryland with a fury and it seems like just last week you could stroll around Baltimore with a light jacket. If you haven't done so yet- you really need to make sure your home is winterized ASAP. We surveyed Pros and Seasoned Homeowners for this one. Below are the most common tips to do immediately which all are NO COST: Homeowner To Do List: 1. Winterize outdoor Faucets. ( 30 second video here ) 2. Inspect roof and gutters (look for water pooling, leaks, damage) from both the outside and from inside your attic. *even if you had them cleaned, try to give it a quick look. 3. Winterize outdoor equipment: (power equipment and HVAC)* 4. Test and/ or get repairs to snowblowers now (not in January).*...