Halftime Home Improvement Challenge:
By: EFynch

When I was younger I remember how Sundays revolved around football. Before any plan, project, trip, or visit was agreed too, the inevitable "what time is the game?" was always considered.

But during Football Sunday, there was always another fun time. . . Halftime.

Each Sunday, as halftime began, even before the players left the field, my Father and I were down in the garage. He already had a game plan in hand and there was always a task or challenge on our list to be that week's "Halftime Project".

These times are something that I remember to this day because we literally took a break from watching a team play on TV, to being a part of our own team. We had a challenge and more often then not, they were so much fun that our 15 minute project would stray to 20 minutes or longer. It was that worth it!

So without further ado, here is your guide to the Halftime Home Improvement Challenge.

1. Quick Painting Project.
What is does: Trim and paint outdoor furniture to protect and preserve.
Why Halftime: Because this requires multiple coats. The first one takes the longest but still under 15 minutes. You can do 2nd or 3rd coats later on.
Prep: Have paint, tape and furniture set together and ready.

2. Install a new faucet.
What is does: quick update to the kitchen or bathroom, often under $100.
Why Halftime: A wrench is often all your need. As long as water is turned off- you can't really make an irreversible mistake. Don't over-tighten and when you turn the water back on- go slow.
Prep: Buy a new faucet, have tools ready.

3. Winterize outdoor faucets or equipment.
What is does: Protects and prevents damage.
Why Halftime: Cutting the water to an outdoor faucet can take slightly more time than it takes to walk around your house. When winterizing outdoor power equipment (or testing your snow blower), most of the time spent is allowing the machine's engine to use gas in supply lines or to properly warm up.
Prep: none.
                                                               Video Link Here

4.  Clean you bathroom Vent Fans.
What is does: Quiets engine and helps things run smoother.
Why Halftime: Cutting the water to an outdoor faucet can take slightly more time than it takes to walk around your house. When winterizing outdoor power equipment (or testing your snow blower), most of the time spent is allowing the machine's engine to use gas in supply lines or to properly warm up.
Prep: none.
                                                              Video Link Here

5.  Update/ Change your cabinet knobs.
What is does: Easy way to update cabinets.
Why Halftime: This is an easy job which you can start and stop incrementally (after each cabinet). You can even challenge yourself to use commercial breaks!
Prep: Measure Cabinet door depth, purchase knobs, have a (small) wrench.

I hope that you can find value in the advice above. Although my dad and I now disagree on the better team (He is a Washington Redskins Fan, I am a Baltimore Ravens)- the thrill of 15 (or sometimes 20) minutes together where we worked as a team is something I will always keep with me. The key to picking the right project is to select something that is relatively easy, and can include little helpers if you have them. Also consider something that can begin but paused if an issue arises (this way you can go back to the game).

Good luck!

PS- Other ideas: Bicycle repair or greasing, change HVAC air filters, check smoke alarm batteries, test flashlights, check auto tire pressure, or test outdoor hammock! These are all home improvement projects we normally overlook but can accomplish in a quick time.

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