Worth The Read: The Paint Every Homeowner Should Have.

(BALTIMORE, MD) I know the fact I got you to click on this story should be triumph enough. It's hard to get jazzed over a paint color but if you own a home this is something you need to consider. 

To most, Eggshell white is just “white paint”- but to those in the know; Eggshell White is the standard for rental properties or the basic “I will get to it later” room paint. It is durable, readily available and does not look cheap like flat paint often does.

This basic white is used in everywhere from dorm rooms, basements, new homes, apartment building and probably in your office building right now. You will even find it in restaurants, dining rooms, and foyers within some of the most extravagant homes in the U.S.

There reasons for this (and why you should always have a gallon on hand):

- It is textured and hides imperfections.
- It does not fade and repainting can be done partially (not entire room).
- It virtually matches joint compound so the missed spot from your last DIY will be overlooked.
- It is DURABLE and can be cleaned better than flat.
- Readily Available for future work.
- If a bad stain/ mark cannot be cleaned, you just cover it with new Eggshell.

One of my first jobs out of college was to working for a very intelligent person who owned several great rental properties. There were times I wondered if he actually drank Eggshell white because he loved it so much. After my first week of working with him, my love grew just as fond.
It is like the duct tape of the painter’s world!

Keep a gallon of Eggshell White in your home you are right on par with some of the most knowledgeable and property owners and landlords around. There is no other shortcut you can take that never ever looks like like one.

This story was sent out by EFynch and EFynch.com. EFynch does not endorse any specific products. To get free, no obligation paint quotes (for when Eggshell doesn't cut it)- use EFynch (web and app). Simply post a picture and get competitive bids without any sales or making sales calls.

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