Homeowner Tip: Real world ways to beat the heat and save energy.
The next few days can see temperatures over 100 degrees in Baltimore and Washington D.C. This causes a HUGE strain on your home, your pets, and yourself. Countless articles have been posted with the “best things to do in heat”. Each is with a smile and few plugs for a paid advertisers. Here are "Real World, you can do it now tips. The key is to keep your home at a "normal" temperature without having your AC work overtime. It is counter-intuitive but raising your thermostat slightly can make a big difference on extremely hot days. Whether you do this or not, the tips below can help no matter what. HOMEOWNER TIPS: 1. Close your blinds curtains (as discussed previously, here ). 2. Close the doors to unused rooms that face the sun (*note- we recommend against fully closing vents in those rooms as the area can get "too hot" and actually radiate adjoining areas). 3. Run Fans (typically, ceiling fans should run counter-clockwise). 4. Hang out in lower