Hello September- Autumn Ideas for home Maintenance.

Baltimore, Maryland: As we approach Autumn our attention will undoubtedly turn from summer fun back to regular business. Fall is one of my favorite times of year because the days are cooler, football is on TV, and everything just seems to feel "cozy".

Although you may not have a pumpkin latte yet, September is a great time to start thinking about early fall maintenance which can save you time and trouble later in the season. Working on some items now can save you from the "Late Autumn Rush".

Here are some of our recommendations for early fall Home Improvement Projects:


1. Inspect your driveway: Winter is the HARDEST time on your driveway. Ice can fill in cracks causing them to expand. You cannot seal a driveway or any cracks once the night time temperature drops below 50 degrees. "Crackfill" can be purchased from your local hardware store and is a good DIY project. Asphalt Sealing is something we recommend you hire a pro because it is messy and most store brands have poor quality.

2.  Caulk windows: The mild temperatures are comfortable for outdoor work, they also keep old caulking pliable and easy to remove. The great thing about re-caulking your windows (besides saving energy) is that I always make this a "side project". Keep your materials accessible and do a few windows at a time when the urge strikes. For me, this is an oddly satisfying project and squeezing a single window during Halftime is possible.

3. Outdoor Painting: Just like the previous two, paint should not be applied when cold temperatures arrive.  Because winter a darker time of year, moisture can tend to stick around longer therefore painted surfaces suffer. A complimentary job to caulking is repainting. This time of year I like to skip the decorative shutters and focus on the front door, window sills, etc. Regular inspecting and painting does more than look good- it protects. THIS INCLUDED DECKS!!!


 1. Change your air filter EVERY MONTH: Fall Allergies and dust can be harsh. Keep a clean air flow in your home. Especially if you are like me and enjoy opening windows at night!

2. Have your Chimney Cleaned: Do it now and avoid the rush later. Besides, what is better than a cool October day and your first fire:)

3. Vacuum/ test your smoke detectors: Speaking of the fireplace, you want to make sure your smoke and CO2 detectors are in working order. Vacuum and make sure they are free of dust then test each one. I'd stick to replacing batteries with the time change.

So that is our advice. We hope you are having a great summer and look forward to working with you very soon. Please use the advice above for conversation purposes only. The information is reliable but we recommend you check with a local and licensed professional prior to taking on any of the tasks. Do not start a project unless you are fully comfortable in every aspect of the job, this includes ladders, etc. 

If you have any questions or would like to find a home professional or handyman to complete any of the tasks above, please visit EFynch to find your local pro and get competitive bids while protecting your privacy. 

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