You cannot afford to have a dirty DRYER VENT!

Possibly the most overlooked home maintenance issue I find is your dryer vent. It is very easy to forget this annual service but can have a pretty big impact if ignored for too long.

We remember to clean the lint trip after each load but what about the little dust bunnies that escape the dryer but don't quite get to freedom? There is a pipe that connects your dryer to the outside air and is needed to let heat escape and keep lint out from back-flowing into your home.

Here are our top (and pretty strong) reasons to keep this chore on the top of your fall checklist:

Clogged vs. Clean Vent
1. SAFETY: Over 15,000 fires each year are started because of dryers. 80% of these are reported to be from heat buildup in dryer vents. Lint and/ or animal nests can collect in your vent and cause this hazard.

2. AIR QUALITY: It is hard to argue a risk of fire one minute then mold in another however, for dryers this is a real problem. When clogged, the dryer releases enough hot air to dry trapped lint close to the appliance (fire risk) but as you go farther away moisture builds and creates a "mold playground" reducing air quality and/ or back-flow of air back into your home!

3. EFFICIENCY: If your dryer "feels tired" lately and is taking longer to dry your clothes, this can very easily be poor ventilation. A clogged dryer vent can reduce your dryer's efficiency up to 75%, taking longer or a 2nd run when doing it's job.

4. REDUCE MAINTENANCE: Think about the wear and tear on your machine when constantly working overtime. It takes more energy to push the air through a clogged vent and will take longer to dry (Imagine driving your car down the highway in 1st gear and the strain it causes). If saving energy isn't you thing- how about you stop being a jerk and let the poor guy work easier :) It will certainly increase the overall lifespan of your appliance.

In addition to cleaning the dryer vent once per year, we recommend that you also perform a regular inspection of the outside vent cap. Make sure the vent opens when the dryer is turned on but closes completely when not running (see picture below).

For more information and home tips visit "The Friendly Community for Home Improvement".
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Typical dryer vent. Closed when dryer is turned off. Open when turned on. Keeps animals out.

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