(February) EFynch Home Maintenance Plans: Month by month guidance on keeping your nest in order.
(Baltimore, MD) The information below is to help area homeowners develop an annual maintenance plan. Published every month, EFynch wants to help you maintain your home, and help home buyers make appropriate plans when deciding on buying a home

Hey Homeowners-
Here in the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area, February is typically cold and rainy month. However, that doesn't mean you can go into hibernation. Staying on top of monthly and annual maintenance items can make home ownership a breeze.
This month we focus on indoor items such as air quality and little tasks that keep your home from getting old. We also want to prevent future problems so, utilize this "indoor month" to catch up and plan ahead.
Below are the tips that will help you stay on top:
1. Check and test your sump pump.
Inspect the power cord leading to the pump to make sure it is intact and does now show any wear. Next, unplug the pump in order to determine if the alarm (if equipped) is functional and battery backup is in working condition. Then, collect a bucket or jug of water and pour the water into the well. DO NOT OVERFLOW as the pump should work after a few inches are poured in. You may want to test the pump with and without the power cord plugged in.
2. Change air filters.
Locate your air filter, which will be within the portion of your HVAC system where your whole house fan is located. Take note of the filter size which is usually written on the side of each filter. You may want to consider buying multi-packs of filters to keep on hand. Replace the filter with the correct size, at least once every 2 months or more frequently depending on the season or your personal preference.3. Clean dryer vents.
Dryers are one of the leading causes for fires in the United States. The vent should be cleaned regularly and requires either a professional or the purchase of a special vent cleaning brush. The brush is made from tough plastic bristles which is usually attachable to a drill. If you choose to clean the vent personally, be sure to inspect the entire duct after cleaning to make sure it has not become detached in any place.
Keeping regular air flow in, and around your appliances will reduce the strain on any motors and make sure they are operating at peak efficiency. For many, you can use a regular household vacuum with a soft bristle attachment. Please consult you owner’s manual for exact instructions on individual appliances.
5. Re-Check your winter supplies.
We are not through winter yet! Make sure you have enough food and water for 3 days. Also stock items such as batteries, blankets, and keep you cell phone charged before a big storm. (*tip- you can fill your bathtub with fresh water for drinking or for pets).
6. Begin planning for a home sale.
EFynch will be offering special handyman deals with financing terms this spring, please contact us for more information. And if you have a project or job that you might need help on, consider posting this on our job board. It does not cost a thing, we mask you identity, and essentially you advertise your project and can quickly collect bids without having to spend time calling around or arranging meetings.
Disclaimer: EFynch.com IS NOT a contractor and does not perform physical work. We are a platform based in Baltimore, Maryland that helps spread good, verifiable information to help home owners/ buyers, and other information that is collected from our handymen to help you. You should never perform any work unless you are comfortable of your skills and abilities. Information above is for conversation purposes only. Our full terms and conditions can be found by visiting: EFynch Terms and Conditions.