Maryland Realtor's Ministerial Act Limitations:

How does EFynch help Maryland Realtor's avoid the common missteps within Home Improvement. Baltimore, MD: In Maryland, Real Estate Agents are not allowed to perform more than a Ministerial Acts with regards to home improvement or handyman recommendations. According to our good friends at Maryland Realtors, a Ministerial act is any act that involves "the discretion and exercise of judgment by the licensee". Wikipedia provides a good example by relating the definition of Ministerial Acts to a person who might hold a position within the government. Imagine you are at the Motor Vehicle Administration and are speaking with the clerk. We've all been in the position when we are requesting something and are told that our documents are incomplete. All jokes aside, let's assume the clerk is sincere and sympathetic because, they honestly cannot complete the process unless a full checklist is met. That individual doe not have the authority to perform the requested a...