Finding a Home Improvement Pro shouldn't come with a cost. EFynch is your community.

Information below is regarding EFynch, a Baltimore Handyman and Homeowner Community Website. "Home Improvement to the People!"

Baltimore, MD: Over the next few months, we are going to begin implementing EFynch 2.0. The idea is simple and based on our principal that finding someone in your own neighborhood shouldn't come with a price tag. Like it or not, other sites charge up to 40% to use, thus increasing the costs that our local handymen have to pay just to help a neighbor. This fee is simply wrong.

With the increase of data privacy concerns and the expansion of block-chain style reviews and verification, EFynch is going to be making some tremendous strides and we are thrilled that you are a part of the change that is coming from within.

One of the first refinements has already been launched. When posting a project, you can choose a category and categorize the job by Trade or select Fynchnest (which is licensed, criminal background checked contractors only).  When you select any of the categories (except Fynchnest), you do not pay EFynch a single penny, neither does the contractor.  We are thrilled to have helped connect and get work done. Introductions are not a business model; some might even call it a prerequisite. 

Now, in full transparency, when a Pro is listed in Fynchnest, that pro has paid to be a part of that system. The $35 annual fee goes towards the background check, license and ID verification- because we want to make sure the person applying is the person they claim to be. If you use EFynch Escrow (link), they have agreed to pay EFynch $10 or 5% (whichever is greater) on each project. This helps keep the site grow and to build new features (btw- no one here collects a salary).

Our goal is to be a good neighbor and help you take care of any home improvement challenge. We will never charge for the basics. Our business model is to provide features that add enough value that you will gladly (and freely) choose to use and pay for.  But charge $75 for a neighbors phone number? Not in our system!

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Disclaimer: Inc. offices are in Baltimore, Maryland. EFynch is a website and communication portal/ app. EFynch does not perform any physical work on residential homes. The information below reflects the current opinions and ideas of EFynch and we reserve the right to alter or amend the information provided here, or throughout this blog. All information is for conversational purposed only and are subject to our terms and conditions.

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