
Showing posts from January, 2019

DIY: Reduce your energy bill by 10%, TODAY! For Free!

January 22, 2019 EFynch: Mid Atlantic Homeowner Advice Upper Marlboro, MD: As we face another Polar Vortex here in Maryland/ D.C., you might hear the groans from EFynch faithful because we all know what to expect in upcoming heating bills. Well, there is a partial solution and it is actually older than the modern home itself. You can do it. . . right now. .. . . . and it probably will not cost you more than a few calories in our 3 step process. STEP 1 : Throw your blankets aside, get out of bed and stand up STEP 2 : Walk to you window (refrain from yelling obscenities at Old Man Winter, with the leaves off the trees, sound travels). STEP 3 : Close your curtains .  .  .  that's it. Did you know that your home heating system can use up to 70% of your winter energy requirements? We all know that lowering the thermostat can help (consider this as a potential "Step 4") but the simple act of closing your curtains helps to keep in heat and out the cold.

The 5 Home Improvement Sites you didn't know existing (and how they hurt the industry)

My name is Teris, I am contractor but I am also the founder of EFynch is a Baltimore based, community job board . I created EFynch because of the alternatives that I tried within my own personal business (yes, EFynch is a "I could make a better ____" business). I explain the "other sites" below because there are a few traps you could avoid. These are so big- I actually created EFynch as a "logic based" alternative (meaning, it uses the hiring process I use in property management). Many sites that you see advertised online are actually advertising sites themselves. They are modern "yellow pages"- with no emphasis being on "modern" (eg. their antiquated). Home improvement is basically a Freelance Economy, but not sites really revolutionized how you hire- they are just band aids. So, what does Home Improvement Have? You've seen the cheezy commercials, but from my personal experience this is what is "behind the