March 13, 2018

For Immediate Release:

Baltimore City Tech Startup EFynch, Expanding Outside Baltimore.
After $2m in work, group eyes East Coast

Baltimore, MD- Baltimore City based SaaS startup has spent the past 2 years growing and refining their home improvement platform and the group is proud to announce their expansion plans into 3 neighboring cities.

What started as a simple “post your request to get competitive bids” and used an excel spreadsheet to track work has now morphed into an entire automated system that empowers even the newest homeowners in making informed decisions using bid collection, social network integration for recommendations, and escrow payment features to provides protection. In doing this, EFynch has helped nearly 2,000 Baltimore area projects be completed and now the group has turned part of their attention into neighboring markets, specifically Washington D.C., Philadelphia, and one other city to be announced on later this Spring.

Powered by several Realtor Groups and an existing base of 4k members in the Baltimore Area, “we are going to rely heavily on the network of those we’ve helped to spread the word” says co-founder Teris Pantazes. “When you save homeowners up to 40% on expenses, and reduce a contractors time invested in the sales process by 20%, you tend to grow a decent following” he adds, citing a list of contractors that have already registered for EFynch even though the service is not in their areas yet.

Today, the company which first launched using nothing more than an excel spreadsheet and previous experience in the industry has grown tremendously. It was actually a meeting with a recent investor in San Francisco and discussions with the Central Maryland StartupGrind networking group that convinced EFynch it’s time to go, and time to go quickly.

“Our feedback has been extremely useful and after 2 years of testing, redefining, pivoting, failing, succeeding, and even jamming a few fingers while work on projects ourselves, now is the time for expansion because owners need guidance more than ever due to a hodgepodge of misinformation floating on other sites and social media. We’re going to grow, and we’re going to grow fast” says Pantazes, citing the desire to be in 15 cities within the next 16 months.

More information can be obtained by contacting EFynch directly at teris(at)efynch(dot)com, 410-562-9103.

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