
Showing posts from April, 2019

Listing your home? Consider a home inspection before marketing.

Advice for home sellers, determining timing, dealing and paying for inspection repairs  Information provided by EFynch, a home improvement platform aiming to automate social media recommendations and provide community members with un-biased advice.  April 28, 2019 Washington D.C: Getting ready to sell your home? Then you should also get ready for the home inspection which will undoubtedly return several items (some you might have not even known about). This is inevitable and it  typically launches a new round of negotiations in which a list is provided and the buyer either asks for the repair to be performed, or concessions. **AVOID FINANCIAL CONCESSIONS, you ALWAYS loose out.** Your other option is to have the repairs performed yourself. Typically, the repairs stipulate the work must be carried out by a licensed and qualified contractor or tradesman. Forget DIY approach at this stage.   So, we recommend taking a solid look at your home BEFORE putting it on the ma

April Home Maintence Tips for anyone

 April 15, 2019 Baltimore, MD: April is the time we can finally head outdoors. By the end of this month, 70 degrees will be normal, tulips will be in full bloom and the trees will be sporting leaves! If you are as excited about Spring as we are, you are probably ready to take home improvement outdoors! Below are the monthly home owner tips from EFynch! All advice is designed for homeowner in the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. *If you are new home buyer- we hope this can help you plan  your budget and get ready for home ownership! APRIL TO DO LIST: 1.  Okay to energize outdoor water spigots The threat of hard freezes are over. We may still drop below freezing but it is safe to turn out outdoor plumbing. If it drops below freezing, you may want to turn faucets on a drip. 2. Change HVAC air filters April is a bi-monthly air filter changing month. Your lungs will thank you. Don't skip this. 3. Inspect Gutters/ Downspouts Because Gutters, they&#

New Program For Home Sellers: Make Repairs Now, Pay at Settlement

Baltimore based startup, is proud to announce the release of their latest program, Settle Rite by: EFynch. This program is design for Pre-Sale Home Repairs   and it offers home sellers the option to have repairs completed immediately but defer payment until settlement. Homesellers who might find a benefit in this program are typically those who are (1) preparing their homes for market, and/ or (2) performing inspection repairs required for settlement and, do not have the ability to pay for the work up front. The impact of this program is described by company Co-Founder Teris Pantazes. "When a homeowner is in this position, paying for repairs can often be tough. Most homeowners are selling one home and either upgrading or downsizing" he says.  "Their credit must be protected and financing repairs which, can often run in the thousands of dollars, is not an option". Pantazes says the deferred payment program can help sellers protect both their credi