One Free & Easy Trick You Need To Perform Before Selling Your Home

June 5th, 2019 By: Settle Rite Pre Sale Home Improvement Arlington, VA: We live in our homes and within the beauty we see, we also recognize the practicality of what it is. Kids toys, keepsakes, and even that water glass from 2 nights ago might be overlooked, but to a potential purchaser it is C-L-U-T-T-E-R! The "For Sale Playroom" that does not exist in reality Every day we live in our rooms and it is easy to see beyond some things that are offensive to others. When we speak with Realtors, often their toughest pre sale challenge is working with homesellers to de-clutter their homes. They make lists, do a walk through, and often sellers go "back and forth" trying to decide what should be removed vs. what might add character. Clutter is a huge issue and it not only reduces the number of offers on your home, it will also reduce potential offers value. Who knew, a snow globe collection might cost your a few thousand $$$? Well we have a...