Why Pre-Sale Home Improvement Is So Important
When you begin thinking about selling your home (the "pre-sale" period), one of the best things you can do is to get an honest assessment of what repairs or updates should me taken. The right work, at the right time, can help home sellers earn money on the repairs, and save of costs. We believe there are 3 stages in the home selling processes and all home improvement work should be broken into these categories. 1. Pre-market: This is the period of time prior to your Realtor officially putting your home on the market or listing it for sale. It is the "prep time" and the work and updating you do in this period of time should focus on marketing. You want to update appliances, color schemes, declutter, landscape, etc. These are the things that will help attract more home sellers and bring in a higher price. More information on this can be found from our friends at EFynch, who spoke about choosing repairs the add value. ( pre-sale, home improvement tips