Why Pre-Sale Home Improvement Is So Important

When you begin thinking about selling your home (the "pre-sale" period), one of the best things you can do is to get an honest assessment of what repairs or updates should me taken. The right work, at the right time, can help home sellers earn money on the repairs, and save of costs.
We believe there are 3 stages in the home selling processes and all home improvement work should be broken into these categories.
1. Pre-market: This is the period of time prior to your Realtor officially putting your home on the market or listing it for sale. It is the "prep time" and the work and updating you do in this period of time should focus on marketing. You want to update appliances, color schemes, declutter, landscape, etc. These are the things that will help attract more home sellers and bring in a higher price. More information on this can be found from our friends at EFynch, who spoke about choosing repairs the add value. (pre-sale, home improvement tips).
2. On the market: This is not the time for big projects. While you home is on the market you will have to keep a clean and tidy place because homebuyers, realtors, and offers will be coming. When someone tours your home, they spend between 15 and 40 minutes- that is it. . really not a long time. Remember to stay on top of the little things during this timeframe. Something like a dusty light or a dead bug may not be big, but there could be a little emotional thing that a buyer remembers and (even if only, slightly) might sour the deal.
3. Under Contract: If you have ever bought or sold your home, you know that this period is the time that is most stressful. Now you are under contract and in many regards, the home is out of your hands. Although you live there, the buyer has certain "rights" as likely negotiated into the contract, and you cannot impede on them. An example of this is the home inspection. Most home buyers order home inspections and every homeseller will get a list of repairs. These repairs vary and many items are going to be those which you never knew existed. The key is, this is a sensitive time and your Realtor will work with you to make sure you repair what you should, or negotiate on other items. Because this is such an important time, there are actually contractors that focus solely on this niche, one we recommend is Settle Rite Pre-Sale Home Improvement Experts, out of Baltimore and Washington D.C.. This company actually offers deferred payment with home sellers not paying anything until closing or settlement.
No matter what stage you are in when it comes to selling your home, repairs and updates are undoubtedly and important process. So important, you will soon find that everyone involved in the transaction pays close attention and wants regular notifications (including buyer realtor, your realtor, banker, title company)- it is like anything having to do with home improvement, and everyone has to be involved. 
Home repair for sellers fixing inspection sink and replacing plumbing.
If you have any questions, never hesitate in reaching out. We have offices in Baltimore, Washington D.C., and coming soon to Columbia and Northern Virginia. Pre-sale home improvement repairs

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