Baltimore Home Improvement deal and how EFynch puts these together.

How EFynch Weekly Deals Help the Homeowner: By: (Baltimore, MD) Each week EFynch works hard to bring relevant, money saving deals for our Maryland Homeowner Members. These deals typically include normal services like: - Power Washing - Handyman 3 hour packages - Gutter Cleaning - Snow Removal - Mulch Delivery - etc. We also try to provide some unique services which may go overlooked like: - Mailbox Post Replacement - Flower and Garden Box Install- coming soon :) - Smoke Alarm Battery Replacement - Dryer Vent Cleaning These are all common things us homeowners need and are things we should consider. So how do we get these deals? The truth is we sometimes just “wing it”. For the most part we pay attention to our own homes and speak with our professionals. They recommend services that are starting to trend because of seasonality. These take priority but we also look for unique ideas. What can make your home more enjoyable or something we see on TV that is awesome, but not ...