*do not be this guy and approach a downed power line.

What to do during power outages:

Baltimore, Maryland: It is the dead of winter and your power goes out. What are you supposed to do?

Depending on the length that the power is off and the time of day- you should prepare for the worst. Once night falls, weather always tends to worsen plus repair work will move slower. You can expect being without power for the long haul.

In modern times it is hard to think about shelter and surviving but cut the power to your home with a blizzard outside, I promise the primitive concerns we take for granted become front and center. (PLEASE TAKE THIS AS A SERIOUS MESSAGE).

In the event the power is off and you do not foresee an immediate return. We recommend you do the following:

1. Monitor the temperature inside your home. If it goes below 50 degrees, you should immediately perform a “quick winterize”- information on this will be posted soon.

2. If you have not already done so- prepare a fire if you have an operational fireplace.
Close off unused rooms to conserve and focus heat (continue to monitor the temperature in those rooms not letting it go below freezing.

3. Food in the Fridge should stay at temperature for 24 hours. You can always move food outside but remember to keep secure from animals (use a cooler).

4. Turn off any electronics with an on/off switch.

5. Put all faucets on a “drip”. Even if you home is above freezing- walls may drop below.

6. Know how to manually operate your electric garage door (usually a red handle on string).

7. Dress in layers- avoid sweating and stay dry.

8. Try to check on neighbors as much as possible.

9. If it gets too cold and it is safe- move to better shelter. Ask a neighbor or relative for help.

10.  DO NOT USE APPLIANCES to heat your home (ovens, stove). Keep watch and make sure your Smoke and CO2 alarms remain operational.

The key during a power outage is for all persons and pets to stay warm then make sure your pipes do not freeze.

This is a quick guide and we recommend consulting with a professional to develop a detailed and personalized plan. As this current storm approached the Baltimore Area, we hope you stay safe!

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