Early March Gardening Tips

Baltimore, Maryland- In the spring, we all tend to turn our focus from the local Handyman and repairs over to Landscaping around your house. Here in Baltimore and Washington D.C. we have certainly started to see glimmers of Spring.

Behold- as I look at the weather forecast there is not one,,, but TWO potential winter storm events in the forecast. One for Friday (3/8/17) and one early next week. We don't know if these will be significant but it does prove the need for us to hold off on planting in our gardens just yet.

For now- here are EFynch recommendations for outdoor related project:

- Mulch Flowerbeds: If no new planting is being considered, go ahead and mulch now. Landscapers are mostly still on "winter rates" and you can save a bundle. In fact- utilize the EFynch Mulch/ landscape Deal which provides Mulch Delivery in Baltimore County for a limited time and as low as $50.

-  Pick up Sticks!: Clean that yard of downed limbs and debris. If you are meticulous or fertilized in the fall, lawn mowing may start in 2 to 3 weeks. If raking be gentle- new grass sprouts may be growing and the ground is still very soft.

- Decide if you are going to seed. If so, do not use a pre-emergent week control.

- Test Soil: If you have problems with growing grass, now is a good time to take a soil sample to your local nursery for PH testing (usually free, and on the spot). Early spring is a good time to apply Lime or other additives to balance poor soil quality.

- Plan for Vegetable or flowers Gardens: Building a new flower box, vegetable garden and planning to go all out? Now is the time to plan, and start building if needed. We LOVE box gardens and will be posting something about this later. Start looking around your yard and make a plan. Take advantage of this slow time around the yard to perform cleaning, edging, and building. *Still a little early to till.

DO NOT: Trim bushes, mow, fertilize, seed, aerate just yet.

Hold off on planting until (at least) March 25th, but even then- check with guides for each individual plant. If you are planting a garden, some seeds can be sewn indoors so you can get a head start on those.

For more tips, please feel free to follow EFynch on Facebook.

Don't forget- you can sign up to be an EFynch Member for free at Signup. With this you get access to more information plus great group deals.


EFynch helps you located that Baltimore Handyman. Whether in Towson, Timonium, Cockeysville, White Marsh, Catonsville, Pasadena, Baltimore City, etc- we want to help homeowners and handymen work together and get work done!

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