Energy Efficiency Ideas for Summer: Window Coverings by EFynch Home Improvement App.

The Home Energy Saver We All Overlook:

How Window Treatments can reduce your energy bids.

Baltimore, MD- Windows are one of the most overlooked energy monsters in your home. Although great advances have been made with increasing insulation value (yes, insulation is equally important for HOT as it is for COLD), the hot summer sun pummels your windows all day long.

That heat literally turns anything it touches into a radiator which can cause your AC to run constantly as some indoor surfaces can top 130 degrees Fahrenheit!

To battle this, a few years ago I spent time studying Passive Solar. The idea is you design your home to block out the summer sun but let it in during the winter (has to do with shutters and angles, besides the point). In this practice you use certain finishes in your home to capture the right heat .etc. etc.etc. . This is great but, it requires work and planning.

If you are looking for changes that can have an effect right away- tomorrow- literally.

Imagine sitting in the hot sun all summer day and feeling the heat and sunburn. Now imagine being under a tree, and since you have AC in your home you bring a fan with you that day. This is only a loose example of the effect but it is literally what good shades accomplish- SHADE!

You have to consider window treatments. In our opinion there is simply no easier way to increase your home’s efficiency than a quick trip to a local retailer for good set of blinds.
There are several types to choose from ranging from cellular shades to full on drapes- the thicker the better- use your judgement- True energy savers will be labeled.

So before the summer sun begins consider which windows could benefit from the additional love. Windows facing south should be the first, then consider those which are in front of hard surfaces that can retain heat (stone, slate, marble, brick, wood, etc.). These are the windows that let in the most heat which then falls on the surfaces that gather and hold heat- releasing it through the day and into the night.

Energy efficient blinds and covering can reduce energy transfer by up to 45% and in some cases have lowered energy bills by 20% according to the Department of Energy.

To get more information feel free to contact us. We can help you find the right blind and installer.

Examples of energy saving blinds:

Top of article- windows with blue drapes and pull down privacy blinds.
This article was written by Sotereas (Teris) Pantazes of The information contained above is not the opinion of EFynch and should not constitute advice for your particular situation. EFynch does now to the physical work and  only provides a venue for the exchange of information.  The reader agrees that this information is for conversation purposes only and is a generalization of steps which can be taken. The reader agrees to consult a professional within the jurisdiction that work is to be performed who is licensed when required and they will not partake in ANY actions based on this article alone, seeking advice prior to doing any work either through a professional, themselves, or through the EFynch platform.

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