Maryland Ticks and Lyme Disease: A Homeowner Guide to Removing them from the Yard.

How to Prevent/ Rid/ and take care of Ticks.

Maryland Tricks for Homeowners

Baltimore, MD: I grew up around farms in Southern Maryland. Ticks were a normal part of life but now in suburban Baltimore (Timonium) I have a growing family and my opinion has changed. The population of Lyme Disease carrying, Deer Tick has exploded and the harmless “Dog Tick” I grew up burning with a match head is nowhere to be found (just my observation).

Because of this, a general concern to rid our yards of Deer Ticks is valid (and recommended). Nearly 2% of Deer Ticks actually carry Lyme Disease in certain areas.

Although not foolproof, here are some quick tips you can take and prevent ticks or tick nests from taking a residence around your yard.

*Ticks love shade, moisture and places to hide. Keep this in mind and do the following to create a tick Hell!

1. Keep grass mowed and cut short: Tall grass is ideal for ticks, mice and other animals. It hold moisture, allows for a place to hide (i.e. mice from prey, ticks from birds).

2. Keep your yard debris free: See reasons above. Piles of leaves, trash, unkept wood piles (chopped or sticks) provide refuge.

3. If you do have a wood pile, keep it in a sunny area. This recommendation keeps the wood dry (“a tick desert”).

4. Discourage wildlife from spending time in your yard. Deer, mice, raccoons carry ticks and can bring them around.

5. Install a Tick Barrier: Ticks HATE walking on gravel or wood chips. This is like broken glass under their feet. Install a 1’ to 3’ barrier separating your yard from the forest or other tick prone areas.

BONUS: There are some plants which may repel ticks such as the American Beauty Berry Bush. You can also get CHICKENS as they eat ticks!

In closing, ticks are a part of nature. There are some risks but generally you are more likely to get an infection from a cut or tick bite than a disease like Lyme. Both should be reason enough to spend some time taking preventative measures.

HOW TO REMOVE A TICK: If you find a tick that has already started feeding- before pulling it out, use rubbing alcohol to clean the area and help pull the head out of your skin. Then with tweezers gently pull. Keep the area clean, circle with a pen and watch for a forming “bulls-eye” within 48 hours.

Oh, the old “match on the butt trick” I used as a kid- only works on dog ticks- deer ticks are stubborn little blood suckers!

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Written by Teris Pantazes

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