10 tips for picking the perfect Christmas Tree

Load up the family wagon, grab some twine, and a saw- It is time to  make the annual pilgrimage for. . . THE CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!

As the mother of all holidays approaches you have to be prepared. After all, what good is a new PlayStation if the tree is not the pinnacle of treedom? the TREE is a signal of absolute perfection and it will make even the dullest tie SHINE.

This is my approach each year as my family dons buffalo check plaid shirts and we take our annual drive just into PA for a LIVE, you-cut-it-Christmas tree. It has served me well for years and, I have been known to keep the tree up well into January.

1. Live, Cut Fresh: There is no better way to insure a tree will last.
2. Measure BEFORE leaving your house: you can always go bigger and trim when you get home but a short tree is not as much fun.
3. Measure your tree stand: Make sure the tree is not too fat!
4. Ignore the bottom 2' of a tree: This area get beaten up by lawnmowers and animals all year- I always buy a tree that is at least 2' taller than what I need, cutting off the bottoms portion.
4. Test the needles: Grab a lower branch and pull towards yourself. Hand full of needles? Skip this one.
5. Test the Branches: Do they snap easy? No-Go if they do.
6. Shake and Wrap: Most farms will provide this service for free. When transporting, have the trunk face forward so the wind goes "up" the tree.
7. Trim the bottom: The lot will also do this but, if the cut is more than 2 hours old- recut.
8. Let rest: After being tied up, the tree needs a half day to "rest" and regain it's shape.
9. Water, Water, Water: Christmas trees can drink over a gallon a day. If it slows down the days are numbered.
10. Decorate Safely: Use proper electric extension cords, surge protectors and avoid leaving the tree lights on without being in the house to watch over. Christmas trees can catch on fire and they burn quickly.

So that's it! Follow these simple rules and you'll do such a great job you may just want to keep the tree up all year!!!!

Have a safe a great Holiday Seasons from all of us at EFynch.com- we wish every home owner, home buyer, home dweller the safest and best New Year.

Just for fun- Trees!

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