The New and Improved EFynch Rating System

Online ratings are something which we obsess with. They are something any good homeowner will research and review prior to hiring any handyman. Reviews (and referrals) are extremely important for new homebuyers alike, who, are just getting their "feet wet" in the home ownership lifestyle.

That is why we at EFynch wanted to make something better. Currently, you can find online ratings, reviews, and recommendations from a host of other sites. However, many of these are unchecked, unverified, and often come from conflicting sources. As far as we can tell- 99% of online reviews have not gone through any filtering process (this effects most sites that supposedly post "trusted reviews").

Not to be negative, but this sucks- we wanted to create something better.

The new EFynch Handyman rating system is revolutionary- we promise.

1. Instead of a simple 5 start rating which you can make on anyone listed in that site's directory, we have a 10 point rating system that uses our unique approach. Eventually this will be able to help us provide you with better recommendations and help you better determine who is the "Cost Saver" vs. "Craftsman".

- Rate your contractor on a scale from 1 to 10. 5 is "Average" and we expect you to only give an average contractor "5's" in your entire response.

- #'s 6 to 10 are reserved for exemplary portions of your handyman's service.
                  If the handyman was always on time, maybe give him a 7?
                  If he cleaned the site properly- 7.
                  If he wore protective booties and even vacuumed and dusted the area after- 10!
                  Get the idea?

2. Ratings can only be done if the deal was handled through EFynch Escrow. Besides protection, this is the ONLY way we can verify work was completed. None of this funny business where you get an email asking "did you hire" and allowing you to rate- that devalues the system.

3. Awards for quality service is something we are building. When you rate, you will be able to highlight a specific quality of the contractor which will be highlighted as a "sticker" on their profile. Categories include efficiency, cleanliness, price, value, etc.

4. Peer Recommendation are coming. There is another popular site that allows for recommendations but does not check for self-conflicts. We will prevent this from happening on EFynch.

The bottom line is you need valuable information that is accurate. We want to provide that. We can give you 1,000 ratings from unverified sources, but what sort of resource would we be for doing this?

EFynch is something better and we are going to improve home improvement.

*EFynch is based in Baltimore Maryland. We are not a home improvement company that provides actual work. Instead we only facilitate the exchange of information and provide resources to verify this. Please consult a professional or EFynch further prior to making any decisions. 

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