The terrible LED Light Bulb "Flicker": How to get rid of it.

Information distributed by Teris Pantazes, Co-Founder of and based in Baltimore, Maryland. LED bulbs are great. They use a minimal amount of energy and last forever. But then again, sometimes they aren't so great. . . like when you develop the LED FLICKER! I was unaware of the "flicker" until recently. Living in a new home (older home, but new to us neighborhood), we were still in the phase of getting used to the nuances of the place when my family and I suddenly noticed an older lamp that was recreating a nightmare version of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra Christmas Show ( nothing says Christmas like a laser show ). Of course this impromptu show was cause for concern. So, after unplugging the lamp to prevent what might have been the lamp's final act- I did my research and actually found the reason to be very simple. THE ISSUE: Older, non- dimmable LED are made from a small, single light "pod" inside of a traditional lightbulb h...