September Home Maintenance ideas from EFynch

It's Back to School Month! Below are monthly maintenance tips from EFynch: Baltimore and D.C. home improvement community for homeowners and handymen.

Baltimore MD: September is the unofficial start of Fall but temperatures in Baltimore and D.C.  can still climb over 90 degrees. Because of this, homeowners should remain in "summer mode" however, we also recommend thinking ahead to this winter and starting prep work.

Your air condition is going to be giving it's last push of the season but hopefully we will have a few nights where windows can be opened for some well deserved fresh air.

It is important to start thinking about Winter and September is a good time to begin planning. Tasks and home services that are "summer only" projects might be hard to schedule as the season's change so let's get a jump start on those.

Below is a list that EFynch has put together to help you stay on track with your home maintenance plans. We put this list out every month to act as a guide for both new and veteran homeowners in helping you stay on top of all repairs.  Follow this blog, Like us on Facebook, and register on EFynch to get our once a month updates that will help you save money on repairs and make home ownership much less stressful.

1. Clean Outdoor Hardscapes & Gardens

After a summer of thunderstorms and the coming of Mums (!), hopefully the weather will start cooling and outdoor work becomes enjoyable again. Use these times to give your outdoor areas a good cleaning. This includes cleaning mulch beds and consider giving hardscapes (decks, sidewalks) a good cleaning. This also helps with item #4 on this list, an important pre-winter task.

2. Check Weather Stripping

On the topic of "pre-winter" tasks, this one is important. As temps cool, repairing or replacing weather stripping becomes a tougher task. Cold weather effects the pliability of rubber and silicone, using the last of the warm days can help create a stronger seal. Plus, it's easier to work outside today than in November!


3. Chimney Sweeping

Although it's hard to think about starting a roaring fire today, very soon, the idea will be a welcomed treat. The only problem is that once the nights start cooling off, everyone else will share this sentiment and scheduling a chimney sweep will be tough (and sometimes more expensive). Get a jump start because this task should be performed every year and is a safety hazard to skip.

4. Inspect Asphalt

We talk about asphalt a great deal here on EFynch. The reason is because there are so many misconception about asphalt maintenance and repairs/ replacement is extremely expensive. Winter is a tough time on your driveway because moisture can seep into the cracks, freeze, and cause them to expand/ grow. Asphalt repairs typically conclude each year at the end of October so this month is your last chance to get on the schedule by most pros.

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