Maryland Winters; How to survive the annoying 3" snowstorm!



Baltimore, MD (  Last week we were relaxing and reaching for the mid 60's.  Friday blew that out the door and tonight. . . SNOW! 

Of course, not just any snow. Here is comes, another 3" spit of a storm that is only good for wreaking havoc on morning commutes. Adults are expected to go to work, kids are at home and we get one last kick from another MARYLAND WINTER!

But, relax- This is all part of the Master Plan where you, as a responsible homeowner, can utilize the terrible weather to check and inspect your home. With a little planning, these little storms can be nothing more than an opportunity for tan enjoyable view during your morning coffee (be careful on sidewalks- the guy in the first pic was not!). 

When weather like this hits- a regularly maintained home can handle it with ease. In fact we are going to share our advice for prepping and a few things to observe that may gauge future home improvement problems that should be addressed.

First- Your Home:

1. Not sure if you need to add insulation? Observing the snow patters on your roof can be an easy test to gauge where you stand. We wrote about it here.

2. Worried about slipping on your driveway? Rest assure- a little ice melt can go a long way and prolong the life of your driveway. Read about it here.

3. And because not everyone is a ballerina; remember your sidewalk in order to avoid exposing yourself to liability. Explained here.

Some other advice we would like to bestow upon our fellow EFynch'rs are some little tips you can do to make the day a little easier:

1. Allow additional time for your commute, additional time for stopping you car, and take it slow. Ice patches are likely and can be unexpected. Take it slow and easy.

2. Lifting your windshield wipers can make cleaning your car much easier (we wrote about that as well, here).

3. Enjoy the scenery. The average daily temperature by the end of March will begin touching the 60's. The Cherry blossoms are beginning to bloom in D.C. and soon enough you will complain about the sound of lawnmowers at 8am on a Saturday morning.

For more information, advice, and tomfoolery related to home improvement, please be sure to visit EFynch registration (privacy protected). You can also follow us on Facebook, and Instagram.

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