Baltimore, MD: The National Weather Service has issued a High Wind Warning for all of Maryland starting on Thursday, March 1 until Saturday, March 3.

Winds are expected to gust up to 60mph and can cause loose debris, minor damage to homes, roof leaking.

Coastal flooding is likely.

At EFynch.com, we take the trust in home maintenance advice very seriously. We understand that most of the time when a warning like this comes out, the normal reaction is to take note and go on. However, based on years of property management experience, I can tell you that when things go south, they do so quickly.
High winds are often overlooked but they can really cause damage to a home and cost money. Below are a few quick tips that we recommend you do as soon as possible. This will help insure yourself against damage and reduce your liability should something take flight from your property and cause damage elsewhere.

Because the ground is saturated with recent rain and we are expecting winds to approach 60 mph, there is a high likelihood for storm damage, downed trees, and power loss. 

1. Keep all exterior doors and windows closed and locked to make sure they stay closed.

2. Secure items on your deck and in your yard. Place them close together if possible and tie them down with rope and/ or tow straps.

3. Double check your emergency preparedness kit for supplies.

4. Keep out of areas around and inside your home that are near large trees.

5. Keep cell phones on full charge.

6. Double check your generator fuel supply.

7. If you have pets, walk them prior to the weather front. Fill a bathtub with water if you are on a well to make sure they have and adequate supply should the power go out.

After the storm remember to inspect the exterior of your home. Check shingles, gutters, siding. Any damaged areas should be addressed and also check for deeper damage or water penetration.

We wish everyone here the best. The average home can withstand wind speeds well over 100 mph when first built however it is important to keep up with maintenance items and take precaution whenever a weather front like this moved through.

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