Wind, Trees, and Your Home: What to do when damage occurs during a storm.

Actual home damaged during Winter Storm Riley


Information from With some information provided by Long & Foster Insurance.

Timonium, MD: Last week, the winds indeed hit 60+mph in most places. As a smart home owner, you already took note the tips we posted in our checklist of items

However, what should you do when the worst happens, as too many people experienced last week? With more storms in the forecast and several trees weakened by the events last week- here is some more info on what do do after a home emergency occurs:

What do we do next? 

1. Make sure all people on the property are safe and accounting for. Keep the area clear even though you may want to check it out. Downed trees do have a risk of "self righting" because of root structure that may still be intact. They can also roll or shift so it is important for EVERYONE to clear the area and stay a safe distance away.   

***If you cannot clear the area or if someone is trapped, call 9-1-1 immediately. ***

2. If comfortable, survey the area from a distance. Check for damaged  electric wires, utility lines, gas lines, water lines, sewer lines, etc. If you note anything of concern call 9-1-1 immediately. 

3. Once emergency personally have arrived, or if you feel that emergency personally is not required- contact your insurance agent is the recommended next step. All companies have emergency phone numbers and staff to help guide you through the rest of the process.

4. Contact a licensed contractor who has experience in working with contractors. If your home has damage and is open to the elements or subject to theft- emergency service is required. The contractor should be willing to perform the work after verifying insurance information without receiving any up front payments.

5. If damage is not critical, you may want to wait until the next business day or after the storm to hire a contractor. In this case, use some time to collect bids and avoid emergency fees or services.
To find an experienced contractor- we recommend using the EFynch Fynchnest System, which provides information to verify licensed and contact directly.

6. When you home is damaged to a point that you need Alternative Housing, your insurance company will help you with this. 

7. Depending on the damage, repair work can take a few days up to 1 year. During this time, your insurance company is going to be a great resource on the property and by working with your chosen contractor, the process will be as efficient as possible once everyone is engaged. 

Remember, before ANY storm- speak with your insurance company to verify their individual process and what you have covered. Check your emergency supplies and keep a stocked emergency kit at home. During a storm, head to an interior part of your house away from any chance of flooding or falling trees. Interior rooms without windows are best, lower floors are likely safer from falling trees.

Be safe and be prepared.

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