Monthly Home Tips from EFynch. Advice from the neighborhood Handyman


Baltimore, MD: If you are new to home ownership, one of the first important lessons is that proper home maintenance requires regular and consistent attention.

Each month EFynch publishes a list of tasks to help take care of your home. We designed a plan that if followed, your home maintenance should be fully covered each year. Having this organized list helps stay up to date while scheduling each chore can make sure that (1) you never forget it, and (2) when it comes time to work, you don't get overwhelmed.

Rule No. 1: Minor maintenance prevents major problems. 

- Inspect the exterior of your home. This bi-monthly ritual can help you identify problems before they grow too large. Periodically we recommend you walk around your entire property and give it a focused once over. You want to look at every inch including: Windows, caulking, gutters, fascia board, roof, shingles, shutters, concrete, deck posts, siding, , , anything you can think of. 

Pay attention and this time of year I would recommend looking for damage from over the winter and water protection as well as bees or other insects that are starting to look for summer homes.

- During the inspection, take note of your deck and make repairs now.  The summer sun has yet to hit the Baltimore and D.C. area. Take advantage of the mild weather and make any repairs to your deck to it is ready for the hot summer sun and UV rays (which is the top degrade of decks). Once the temperatures stay above 50 degrees overnight, it is okay to seal/ paint your deck. Repair board and keep always inspect the foundation/ support posts.

- Service HVAC because now is the time to do it. Before the summer heat kicks in, HVAC companies have somewhat flexible schedules. You may also find a few good deals to annual service and now is the time to have this taken care of.


- Eradicate Pests. Early Spring is when bees look to begin building nests and many insect swarm. Look for these now to prevent major problems in the summer.

** Below is a Honeybee. If you see these (they are kind of small, furry, and almost "cuddly looking"), don't cuddle with them. . . but instead of an exterminator or spray poison,  call a beekeeper. Honeybees are experiencing a huge drop in population and they are VERY important in pollinating crops. 


 - Drain Hot Water Tank. Depending on your water quality, this task should be done once or twice per year. When getting started, drain approximately 5 gallons of water from the tank but use a filter to gauge how much calcium buildup is found. Depending on the amount, you can determine how often to drain. Too much buildup can decrease the lifespan of your hot water tank up to 50%.

We hope this information helps you. In order to complete this list, we spoke to over a dozen Baltimore Handyman to find out the best items to handle, and when.

Please, follow EFynch on Facebook for regular updates and tips. If you register in our Homeowner community, we hold ALL information in strict privacy.

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