Rainy Day Ideas for Homeowner Tasks.

Baltimore, MD: As we face a rainy weekend here in Central Maryland and D.C., many of us homeowners are still looking to satisfy the desire to do  work and get your yard or home in order.

We are in the midst of a very strong period of rain and the ground is far too saturated and muddy for most types of yard work- even for those willing to bring out the yellow fisherman raincoats that are likely sitting in the back of our closets.

But, rest assure- Maryland's Handyman and Homeowner Community EFynch, has a list of great weekend DIY tasks that any homeowner can take, head on!

1. Paint an Accent Wall
For less than $30, you can buy a gallon of paint and basic paint roller. Find one single wall in your home and make an accent wall. Information on this season's trends can be found here. But, , , what if you don't like the color? For less than $30 you can paint it back!

2. Repair dirty & smeared walls
You see the wall everyday. The wear and tear can go unnoticed unless you look closely. Pick up a gallon of paint to match your current walls or break out a mild soap, warm water and sponge. Touching up you walls with paint and a cleaner to freshen things up.  You'd be surprised how many unnoticed marks are on your walls that are passed everyday.

3. Clean your windows
Make this a challenge something for the entire house. Every person  grab a bottle of window cleaner and paper towels (I prefer old newspaper, less streaking). Make it a point to walk into a specific room and clean every glass or glossy surface that can be seen. Windows, outside if you have the tabs (pictured below) to fold in, furniture tops, lighting fixtures, etc.  A little elbow grease can make your home sparkle.

4. Change your Air Filters
 At a minimum, this task should be completed every 2 months. This is a great weekend to mark this task off your to do list. Information on changing you air filter can be found in this video.

5. Install Shelving
Much easier than you think, and you "6 months from now self" will thank you. Any large home improvement store has a host of DIY closet and Pantry shelving options. Many are as easy to install as hanging a picture.

6. Treat your wood floors

There are more than a few easy to apply wood floor waxes available. Wood is an organic (natural) material and needs some love from time to time. A simple deep clean and application of was or a protectant can restore the luster your love and really helps improve the lifespan of your wood floors.

Because the ground is so incredibly saturated, outdoor work is not advised. But inside are a number of great jobs for those who are looking to keep busy. Take advantage of the opportunity- you'll have a lot of grass to cut in the upcoming week!

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