Monthly Maintenence Plan: OCTOBER Home Improvement Tips from EFynch

Baltimore, MD: Frost is not yet on the pumpkin but, Starbucks is once again flowing like wine and that means is must be OCTOBER!

October might be one of the greatest months for home improvement because the weather is cooling  yet, it is still warm enough for outside jobs that need milder temps (outdoor painting, driveway/ deck repairs- things you can't do in the winter).
We love this time of year and this month, we want you to get outside and finally make the repairs you put off all summer. Just remember, Winter is right around the corner and you can be certain, missed maintenece items are going to break if we have a harsh season.

So without further adieu: EFynch's October Monthly Maintenance Plan. A full year plan that helps you stay on tract with home management and maintenance.

1. Service you HVAC/ Change Air Filters

Get a jump because once most people realize their heat doesn't work- the wait time for repairs has already increased. Servicing your HVAC will also make sure you system is running at peak efficiency and will save you over the winter.

Don't forget to change you air filters- especially as dust picks up with falling leaves.

This is utterly important and can reduce the amount of germs and bacteria which can float through your vent system.

2. Last minute Painting

While it's still warm enough- you can paint outside without breaking a sweat. Paint should not be applied when night temps drop below 50. Paint windows, door frames, sills, and trim. These are things you want to protect and winter icing can damage. Make sure you are sealed up.

This make a great DIY/ quarantine projects. Paint your front door or mailbox for an instant improvement in curb appeal.

3. Start Winterizing Lawns

You will see a crazy medieval wheel rolling through neighborhoods in the upcoming weeks. Don't worry- it's not someone stabbing their lawn out of anger, it aerating! You lawn's dirt can compact and reseeding while turning the dirt a little bid is helpful. Seed planted now should not grow but will bed itself into your yard and wait for the right time this spring to come up. Overseeding is common practice as you lay down a light amount of seed so new growth can take the place of grass that isn't going to make it through another winter.

4. Close Pool
                             Image result for winterized pool
Here in the D.C. and Baltimore Area, we are lucky to swim a little past Labor Day. If you haven't already done so- it's time to close. Even heated pools should be closing by the end of this month as we start to encounter below freezing temps by the end of October or early November. 

5. Clean Windows

Just a regular, clean chore. Get outside and clean the exterior of your windows. Not an urgent task but we felt something worth a reminder.

Afraid of ladders? Try attaching a painting pole to a squeegee and reach upper level windows.

6. Caulk Windows

One last thing- we wrote a whole article on this and it is really important (link). Caulking your windows can save hundreds of dollars and it the type of DIY project that you cannot mess up. It's a cheap job and good for even homeowner newbies!

So there you have it! The plans above are part of the monthly service plan the EFynch recommends. The best way to save money on repairs, is to prevent them from happening or to catch it early. With our monthly maintenance plans- this is sure to help. We put this out every month and update as we come up with new ideas or get recommendations. If you have an idea, or questions- contact us.

Visit for more information or "like us" on Facebook.

Bad Baltimore Customers

MONTHLY SPECIAL DEAL: Baltimore TV Mount is giving all EFynch members and followers a special discount. Installation/ mounting of any flat screen tv, any size- $65 by a professional Baltimore Handyman. This is a deal for labor only- materials and mounts can be provided for additional costs. BUT, this is half of what most others charge so take advantage of this deal. Tell them EFynch sent ya! Available all month.

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